Monday, June 6, 2011

Obama's "reset button" with Russia, a hindrance to Global Security & World Peace

Yukiya Amano, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said Monday that a Syrian installation - destroyed by the Israeli Air Force in 2007 - was most likely a nuclear reactor. The New York Times notes that the timidity in both Mr. Amano's wording [the installation “was very likely a reactor.”] and the latest IAEA report "downplays definitive photos of the reactor made available to the agency by the U.S. government, NGOs and the media many months prior to the May 24 report.

Mr. Amano also said that there are indications that "seem to point to the existence of possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program.”
The IAEA's latest report cites seven possible “undisclosed nuclear related activities” on the part of Iranian nuclear scientists. These include experiments to build atomic triggers, studies of the type of instruments needed for testing explosives underground, and the development... “of explosive components suitable for the initiation of high explosives in a converging spherical geometry.”
With regards to Syria's nuclear infractions, Jonathan Tobin notes via the BBC "that any action against Damascus is unlikely because diplomats say more pressure on the Assad regime right now would be ill timed due to the unrest and violent repression going on in the country."

"Rather than push the Syrians [Syrian regime] at a moment when they are vulnerable," says Tobin, "the international community will again take a pass on doing something about them."

Incidentally, President Obama constantly boasts that he and Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, have reset their countries’ relationship in a way unthinkable when he took office in 2009.

This is indeed true: Obama has forged a new relationship with Russia which prevents the US from deploying a missile defense system in Europe, while allowing Russia to determine the course of action to be taken against rogue states like Iran and Syria. Case in point: Russia refuses to acquiesce to a tightening of UN sanctions against Iran and Syria.

Indeed, this kind of relationship and unrequited love toward Russia, was clearly "unthinkable when" Obama "took office" in 2009.

It should be noted, however, that there is one theory out there that suggests a willingness on Russia's part to take a stronger stance against the Libyan regime if Obama continues to play softball with the Syrian regime - which is probably to Obama's liking anyway, since he seems to have an affinity for the Syrian dictator, Bashar Assad.

Conclusion: President Obama is an extremely weak Commander in Chief, whose sole claim to fame is his so-called proficiency in the art of diplomacy. However, it is precisely the President's ineptness in the art of diplomacy which is pulling the entire free world down a slippery slope - a slope that keeps getting steeper and steeper each and every day.

Unfortunately, all we can do is watch, helplessly.......

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